I received my medical degree from New York Medical College after having some international experience studying abroad at Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara. I have extensive training and experience including board certifications in General Psychiatry (completed my residency training at the University of Kansas in 2008) as well as Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (completed a two year fellowship at Tulane University Medical Center in 2010). Throughout my years of experience in this field, I have worked with different patient populations from a variety of ages, genders, sociocultural and socioeconomic backgrounds in different parts of the country, in outpatient and hospital settings, both rural and urban. I specialize in making sure my patients have an accurate diagnosis and are involved in their treatment plan, especially as it pertains to going over risks vs benefits of medications and treatment modalities, making sure appropriate lab work up is performed, collaboration with other involved providers, with an emphasis on pragmatism, safety, clarity and choices. I emphasize the equal importance of biological, social and psychological factors in both evaluation and treatment planning in order for my patients to fully achieve their optimal mental health, functioning and life satisfaction.
Jeremy Handy, M.D.